PrEP available on NHS

Objections to NHS funding of HIV prevention drug are pure homophobia

Just two weeks ago one of my closest friends “celebrated” his one year anniversary with HIV. As part of the general annHIVersary bonanza, he wrote this awesome and hilarious post about what it’s actually like to be diagnosed with HIV in the 21st century. People shared it on Facebook and Twitter, words like “inspiring” and…

good in bed

I wasn’t always good at sex

I’ve recently written a couple of published pieces that have got me thinking more about my own sexual “journey”. The first was about why it’s important to learn to have sex while sober and the second was about the so-called half-night stand (where you hook up with someone but you leave in the middle of the…

Sex education

Denying the importance of sex education isn’t just baffling, it’s downright dangerous

Last week the government ruled out the possibility of introducing compulsory sex and relationships education in all schools. David Cameron blocked calls to make SRE a statutory part of both primary and secondary teaching and provide specialist training for teachers required to deliver it. The recommendation was made following a report by the Education Select…

Sex schedule

In defence of scheduled sex

Following the discovery that 51% of Brits have not had sex in the past month, sex and relationship counselling service Relate – who commissioned the survey – this week said that couples should not shy away from planning sex if that’s what it takes to get them going again. In conjunction with their latest book…

AIDS, identity, and feminist porn: What I read this week

Fake Geek Guys: A message to men about sexual harassment On the surface, this aims to address men involved in comics and their fandom but the points made apply to everyone, everywhere, in all industries. Essentially the message is that men need to get the fuck on board with tackling sexism and misogyny and stop kidding themselves…